Why Is Food Important At Christmas?

There might be many things that come to mind when you think of Christmas, but although presents and games might be the priority when you are younger, as you get older, this will often change to spending time with friends and family and, of course, the food. Perhaps this is because, when you are an adult with your own home and perhaps your own children, you’re the one creating or at least preparing the food, meaning that you need to think about it more. Or perhaps it’s because we hold back at other times of the year, and at Christmas, just for a day or two, we can really enjoy ourselves, and food is at the heart of that enjoyment. It’s an interesting point, and certainly, Christmas wouldn’t be Christmas without a feast. With that in mind, read on to find out why food is so important at Christmas.
Spend Time With Loved Ones
Some families are able to get together around the table at least once a week and sometimes more often and all eat together. However, in the 21st century, this is a much rarer thing than it was in the past. This means that quite often, Christmas is the only time of the year when everyone can be in one place at the same time.
With everyone sitting around the table enjoying great food, it’s the ideal chance for the family to catch up with one another, ask questions, and find out what is happening in everyone’s lives. You might also open this up to extended family or friends, making it even more of an event. Being together like this is something to savor, and when food is involved, it’s the ideal way to ensure everyone is happy.
Share With People
Many people love sharing food with others. They love preparing it, serving it, and seeing the enjoyment that people eat it with. It might take a lot of time and effort, but it is always worth it. This is why the food at Christmas is so important; even if most of the rest of the year food is something that is quickly made and quickly eaten, during the festive season, it’s a time to be slower and more mindful. You can take your time when you are making the food and when you’re eating it – there is no particular schedule, and everyone is there to have fun.
You can share food in many ways, of course. One is to create a feast for your family and friends at the table. Another is to cook extra food and take it to a soup kitchen or similar shelter. Or you might want to make some treats if you need ideas for Christmas Eve boxes, for example.
It’s Tradition
There is something exceptionally comforting and comfortable about tradition. Even if you prefer to do your own thing most of the time, Christmas is a time when you forget about that and do what you have always done. That might include opening the gifts at a certain time, it might mean watching a specific movie, it might mean going caroling or visiting the neighbors for mulled wine, or decorating the tree – your traditions will often be personal to your family.
One tradition that is the same for everyone is the Christmas dinner. Turkey and all the trimmings is comfort food, and when you know it’s coming, and you know what to expect, it feels like nothing has changed and nothing ever will, and, for just one moment in time, that’s a good thing.